Elementz has one of the best quality in digital! in 009 lot of good tracks in all 3 releases! even if my track on 008:D
I think Tim don't release those tracks, which he don't like so much, he say always honest feedback, when somebody send him his track, i believe it...so if he found 6-7-8 good track, why he don't give the chance..?
It's not so good, when somebody release 2 track for an EP..because he need to do full EP, but if he get so much good music, also problem..i don't understand you guys, where can you find just 4-5 tracks can be acceptable in releasing? is it a rule?/public/style_emoticons/default/d.gif... people can buy those one which they like not just the full EP... not big deal.. i don't understand..
I agree with u man, if Tim wants to release 7-8-9-20 tracks thats his choice, and i dont think he will put just any track on a release, everybody knows and its obvious that if u have a label and u want to get some decent sells, u need to release kool music...! And one of the advantages of releasing in digital format is that u can make this releases with many tracks, i dont think this is bad...and if someone doesnt like all tracks, then just buy the one u like...! do u have this option in vinyl? I think not..... Also i always see people criticize digital labels, they say they release any stuff and anyone can have a digital label... i have heard so many vinyl records that JUST SUCK, that it makes me angry to hear some crap on vinyl on a big label when i have honestly heard waaaay better stuff from people that havent been able to even release a track on digital...! Anyways, just my opinion, i love vinyl just like many people do, but digital is another succesful form of releasing music, and it also has the advantage that u can give newcomers the chance to be heard, another thing that is pretty hard to achieve in vinyl labels....!

Anyway, isn't the place to speak about: digi-label is good or no? let's create an other topic about it then...

But i'm agree that a big various artists EP isn't the best way to promote the artists, as i said: i'll keep all the feedbacks on mind and think about it very well on future...