![]() - USB-Partner (Interessiert?) - |
/public/style_emoticons/default/usb.gif... ELEMENTZ ROCKZ!!! /public/style_emoticons/default/usb.gif...
/public/style_emoticons/default/shoot.gi... /public/style_emoticons/default/shoot.gi...
Dieser Beitrag wurde von Wistler bearbeitet: 21. Apr. 2010 - 09:57 Uhr
HT: Divine,Kombot,Barbers track
XT: Hammond,Orman Bitch, Andi Teller, Bednarz, Droidbeatz this time for me:)
Solo EP is AWESOME:) i already heard a lot times these tracks like in 2007, but i shocked everytime:)
Cool complitation Tim:)
ERXT008: VA / Rotten To The Core EP is my favorite ep /public/style_emoticons/default/toptop.g...
Royal Ash - Uncharted Territory (Orman Bitch Remix)
Mechanical Brothers - Connexion Total
Andi Teller - 4 Elementz
Killernoizes & Royal Ash - Bad Imagination
Killernoizes - Crush Your Enemy
Killernoizes - Strange Things
these are my favorite tracks /public/style_emoticons/default/d.gif...
congratz to my bro Killernoizes /public/style_emoticons/default/toptop.g... Strange Thinks and Bad Imagination are very nice /public/style_emoticons/default/tanzen.g...
and congratz to andi /public/style_emoticons/default/top.gif...
Bro the solo ep from Enjoymentt is fuckin awesome...! So nice to hear some new kool stuff for me...!
Peace...! Demencio
All three relases are FUCKING COOL! /public/style_emoticons/default/kaoz.gif... Elementz Rockz! /public/style_emoticons/default/respekt....
great release /public/style_emoticons/default/blink.gi...
congraz to all newcomers /public/style_emoticons/default/hello.gi...
Abuse ep, Really good pieces inside /public/style_emoticons/default/).gif...
Elementz, one more time, fire. /public/style_emoticons/default/erschies...
everybody have there own meaning of this...I hate classical hardtechno/schranz sound like last 10 years since I bought my first Schranz Total CD...I'll be really honnest with you. I liked Elementz a lot in the past because of the quality of the tracks (good mastering, professional construction of the tracks, no overcompression).
Even if some tracks are cool in these eps (mechanical B for eg...) most of them are really bad (BAD quality sound, saturation (and not good distortion), mistackes in the construction and so on...)
Most of the digital labels just release bad music (because everybody can easily build a new digital label), don't care about mastering rulez, don't care about the professional way of producing.
Allright, this is just the begining of digital.. But your label was one of these labels (Audiocode, Gnot....) that showed the other digital labels the way they have to work.... That's a pitty because I can't hear this quality on these 3 releases!
So... please come back to your first idea !
everybody have there own meaning of this...I hate classical hardtechno/schranz sound like last 10 years since I bought my first Schranz Total CD...I'll be really honnest with you. I liked Elementz a lot in the past because of the quality of the tracks (good mastering, professional construction of the tracks, no overcompression).
Even if some tracks are cool in these eps (mechanical B for eg...) most of them are really bad (BAD quality sound, saturation (and not good distortion), mistackes in the construction and so on...)
Most of the digital labels just release bad music (because everybody can easily build a new digital label), don't care about mastering rulez, don't care about the professional way of producing.
Allright, this is just the begining of digital.. But your label was one of these labels (Audiocode, Gnot....) that showed the other digital labels the way they have to work.... That's a pitty because I can't hear this quality on these 3 releases!
So... please come back to your first idea !
and thats not about mastering...do you know what is mastering??? Do you know how much costs???
In last time I let mastered about 4 tracks on different mastering companys...and one company was worse then the other...
So please stay sooo nice!!!!
SOUNDCLOUD: http://soundcloud.com/bentech
everybody have there own meaning of this...I hate classical hardtechno/schranz sound like last 10 years since I bought my first Schranz Total CD...I'll be really honnest with you. I liked Elementz a lot in the past because of the quality of the tracks (good mastering, professional construction of the tracks, no overcompression).
Even if some tracks are cool in these eps (mechanical B for eg...) most of them are really bad (BAD quality sound, saturation (and not good distortion), mistackes in the construction and so on...)
Most of the digital labels just release bad music (because everybody can easily build a new digital label), don't care about mastering rulez, don't care about the professional way of producing.
Allright, this is just the begining of digital.. But your label was one of these labels (Audiocode, Gnot....) that showed the other digital labels the way they have to work.... That's a pitty because I can't hear this quality on these 3 releases!
So... please come back to your first idea !
and thats not about mastering...do you know what is mastering??? Do you know how much costs???
In last time I let mastered about 4 tracks on different mastering companys...and one company was worse then the other...
So please stay sooo nice!!!!
I'll be really honnest with you. I liked Elementz a lot in the past because of the quality of the tracks (good mastering, professional construction of the tracks, no overcompression).
Even if some tracks are cool in these eps (mechanical B for eg...) most of them are really bad (BAD quality sound, saturation (and not good distortion), mistackes in the construction and so on...)
Most of the digital labels just release bad music (because everybody can easily build a new digital label), don't care about mastering rulez, don't care about the professional way of producing.
Allright, this is just the begining of digital.. But your label was one of these labels (Audiocode, Gnot....) that showed the other digital labels the way they have to work.... That's a pitty because I can't hear this quality on these 3 releases!
So... please come back to your first idea !
everybody have there own meaning of this...I hate classical hardtechno/schranz sound like last 10 years since I bought my first Schranz Total CD...I'll be really honnest with you. I liked Elementz a lot in the past because of the quality of the tracks (good mastering, professional construction of the tracks, no overcompression).
Even if some tracks are cool in these eps (mechanical B for eg...) most of them are really bad (BAD quality sound, saturation (and not good distortion), mistackes in the construction and so on...)
Most of the digital labels just release bad music (because everybody can easily build a new digital label), don't care about mastering rulez, don't care about the professional way of producing.
Allright, this is just the begining of digital.. But your label was one of these labels (Audiocode, Gnot....) that showed the other digital labels the way they have to work.... That's a pitty because I can't hear this quality on these 3 releases!
So... please come back to your first idea !
and thats not about mastering...do you know what is mastering??? Do you know how much costs???
In last time I let mastered about 4 tracks on different mastering companys...and one company was worse then the other...
So please stay sooo nice!!!!
everybody have there own meaning of this...I hate classical hardtechno/schranz sound like last 10 years since I bought my first Schranz Total CD...I'll be really honnest with you. I liked Elementz a lot in the past because of the quality of the tracks (good mastering, professional construction of the tracks, no overcompression).
Even if some tracks are cool in these eps (mechanical B for eg...) most of them are really bad (BAD quality sound, saturation (and not good distortion), mistackes in the construction and so on...)
Most of the digital labels just release bad music (because everybody can easily build a new digital label), don't care about mastering rulez, don't care about the professional way of producing.
Allright, this is just the begining of digital.. But your label was one of these labels (Audiocode, Gnot....) that showed the other digital labels the way they have to work.... That's a pitty because I can't hear this quality on these 3 releases!
So... please come back to your first idea !
and thats not about mastering...do you know what is mastering??? Do you know how much costs???
In last time I let mastered about 4 tracks on different mastering companys...and one company was worse then the other...
So please stay sooo nice!!!!
Yes, you have the point Orman Bitch, everybody has his own mastering..some of them have dirtier-harder..some of uses more hihats,claps and rides...it depends on how he personally like..but if the other people like them too, it makes this good music, because nowhere we could find: the recipe, how to make a hardtechno..everybody do his own style..own mastering...
ADD ME @ MSN: bednarz@windowslive.com
In elementz i dont like only one thing, that one release contains to 10 tracks. You should choose 4 best trax and do the release from them (Like elementz002 with my track) /public/style_emoticons/default/).gif... Think about it /public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif...
Dieser Beitrag wurde von Bentech bearbeitet: 27. Apr. 2010 - 01:40 Uhr
SOUNDCLOUD: http://soundcloud.com/bentech
Elementz has one of the best quality in digital! in 009 lot of good tracks in all 3 releases! even if my track on 008:D
I think Tim don't release those tracks, which he don't like so much, he say always honest feedback, when somebody send him his track, i believe it...so if he found 6-7-8 good track, why he don't give the chance..?
It's not so good, when somebody release 2 track for an EP..because he need to do full EP, but if he get so much good music, also problem..i don't understand you guys, where can you find just 4-5 tracks can be acceptable in releasing? is it a rule?/public/style_emoticons/default/d.gif... people can buy those one which they like not just the full EP... not big deal.. i don't understand..
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