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Events for Juni 06, 2009

in Radio Streams

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----- NetBeat @ Planet-Beatz
von elektroschocker



The Radio-Show with Music only from Net-Audio-Labels

20 - 21 Uhr
live @ Planet-Beatz Radio

Klick for Winamp Streamlink
Klick for Mediaplayer Streamlink

Website: www.planet-beatz.de

----- In the Battle @ Planet-Beatz
von elektroschocker


In the Battle

The DJ-Fight-Night

Vote for your Favorite-DJ of the Night
21 - 23 Uhr
live @ Planet-Beatz Radio

Klick for Winamp Streamlink
Klick for Mediaplayer Streamlink

Website: www.planet-beatz.de

----- Denyo on Ihr @ Planet-Beatz
von elektroschocker


Denyo on Ihr

@ Saturdaynightmove

Das elektronische Minimal-House
19 - 21 Uhr
live @ Planet-Beatz Radio

Klick for Winamp Streamlink
Klick for Mediaplayer Streamlink

Website: www.planet-beatz.de

----- XT3 radio: STUG in de bunker
von Jero

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XT3 techno radio presents:

STUG in de bunker
Every 1st friday of the month from 22:00 till 01:00

Every first friday STUG will enter the XT3 bunker. DJ Fabio and DJ Bart van RIjn from The Hague, known for the famous Dutch STUG parties, will rebuilt the bunker into a real The Hague techno tempel!

Fabio and Bart van Rijn will mix together with guest djs.

Tune in @ http://www.xt3radio.nl/tune-in

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More information: www.xt3radio.nl

Whole XT3 techno radio schedule:
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----- [6.6.] Kompressor´s B-day Stream @ Harderbase.fm
von Kompressor - mehrDruck eV


"mehr Druck"

KOMPRESSOR´s B-day Stream

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Juni 2009