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Events for Juni 05, 2009

in Radio Streams

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----- Radio Rumtata @ Planet-Beatz
von elektroschocker


Radio Rumtata
live aus dem Schallarchiv
presented by
DoubleX & Topsy Krett

The finest of Electro & Minimal
21 - 23 Uhr
live @ Planet-Beatz Radio

Klick for Winamp Streamlink
Klick for Mediaplayer Streamlink

Website: www.planet-beatz.de

----- XT3 radio: Madesco's Madness
von Jero

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XT3 techno radio presents:

Madesco's Madness
Every Thursday from 20:00 till 22:00

The thursday is Miss Madesco on the decks at XT3 techno radio! With Miss Madesco it's madness! Sometimes minimal, sometimes dark hard techno, insane and a little bit weird, but nice and techno!

Tune in @ http://www.xt3radio.nl/tune-in

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More information: www.xt3radio.nl

Whole XT3 techno radio schedule:
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Juni 2009