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Adam Jay - Mediastinum EP

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The next morning, a very eager doctor named Dr. Shilpa examined my chart and spoke with me. Trying to get some more of my history, I told him (as I told the doctor in the ER) that I had a pulmonary embolism twelve years ago. Things got very serious, very fast. The doctor had me immediately transported to the intensive care unit, where I spent three days. Several x-rays, a CAT scan, and a very uncomfortable sinus endoscopy were performed and it was concluded that a violent cough had acted as trauma on my lung and created the debilitating pneumomediastinum I had been diagnosed with. After the air had slowly found its way out of my mediastinum and up around the esophagus, it sat there for a couple days (my neck felt like rice crispies, or really tiny bubble wrap), and eventually reabsorbed in the esophagus.

After I was released, I spent nearly a month slowly recovering from home. The bills gradually started to come in, totalling over $20,000 (AFTER uninsured discounts).


As a producer, I couldn't help but hear the rhythms and harmonies of the various beeps and clicks of the machinery that kept me alive in the hospital. So, I recorded them while I was there. I have been manipulating these sounds in 4 songs that I am in the process of producing for this EP.

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Some people lose their faith because heaven shows them too little
But how many people lose their faith because heaven shows them too much...?
heaven isn't heaven anymore.

Tante Heinz den kannste in rotterdam nackt in nem container mit der aufschrift "c.om. n.e.t. klaar!" beim abdocken bewundern!
Some people come into our lives & leave footprints on our hearts.
Others come into our lives & make us wanna leave footprints on their face.

Brain Sucker

Brain Sucker


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