Geschrieben 28. Apr. 2010 - 23:48 Uhr

Well... as Greg said: we have to built our own loop and all will be better for everybody, but nowaday it looks like a new fashion to "cut" sounds from others artists u know (i don't speak specially for u Hellboy, i speak in general) and we have to change this fucking way REALLY!!!
It's not a new fashion style.. . Several well known producers just used Cousteau and Boris S loops since about 4-5 years now....
It's just a philosophy.. Doing everything (even melodies) by yourself make you proud of the work you do... Using only loops and cuted loop samples or melodies from other tracks just means your not a producer at all !

Geschrieben 28. Apr. 2010 - 23:50 Uhr

[DJ] TOM TRAX mówi:
ok you didnt cut my loop
yes that`s right so calm down! i was interesting why do i listen similar sound as mine. You show me the project i said ok, but keep the "kurva" word for yourself dude! /public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif...
Ok Bro but don't act like a detective, and don't say that you hear Your sounds, because it can make some1 very angry
In conclusion, i want to say that the best way to escape from situations like this is having own specific style (as mine

ADD ME @ MSN: bednarz@windowslive.com
Geschrieben 28. Apr. 2010 - 23:54 Uhr

Geschrieben 29. Apr. 2010 - 00:03 Uhr

[DJ] TOM TRAX mówi:
ok you didnt cut my loop
yes that`s right so calm down! i was interesting why do i listen similar sound as mine. You show me the project i said ok, but keep the "kurva" word for yourself dude! /public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif...
Ok Bro but don't act like a detective, and don't say that you hear Your sounds, because it can make some1 very angry /public/style_emoticons/default/).gif...
In conclusion, i want to say that the best way to escape from situations like this is having own specific style (as mine /public/style_emoticons/default/lol.gif... /public/style_emoticons/default/ast.gif... /public/style_emoticons/default/weird.gi... ), hard to copy of course /public/style_emoticons/default/d.gif...
Yes that`s right, but i supposed to open my mouth and i will every time i found something similar. Sorry this is me bro! Too many people fallow this fake style (to cut done loops).
So by the way i finished the theme! AGAIN: I`m interested why do i recognize my sound. He show me the flp so its ok.
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Geschrieben 29. Apr. 2010 - 02:37 Uhr

It's just a philosophy.. Doing everything (even melodies) by yourself make you proud of the work you do... Using only loops and cuted loop samples or melodies from other tracks just means your not a producer at all ! /public/style_emoticons/default/shoot.gi...
Yes... Easy way to find the good sound.
Geschrieben 29. Apr. 2010 - 23:38 Uhr

Fergis track for me. /public/style_emoticons/default/).gif...
It's just a philosophy.. Doing everything (even melodies) by yourself make you proud of the work you do... Using only loops and cuted loop samples or melodies from other tracks just means your not a producer at all ! /public/style_emoticons/default/shoot.gi...
Yes... Easy way to find the good sound.
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