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Events for Juni 24, 2009

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----- XT3 radio: Tech-affecT
von Jero

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XT3 techno radio presents:

Twice a month, tuesdays from 20:00 till 22:00

Energetic dark sounds and a rolling bass, in one word: pounding TECHNO! This is what you can expect tuesdays on XT3 techno radio with Tech-affecT. Tech-affecT is presented by the DJs Miexter and Hectik. This techno duo shares besides their love for each other, also the love to techno.

Tech-affecT garantees pumping basses, from techno to hardtechno and schranz.

(Tech-affecT switches every tuesday with Reno Raines Talents.)

Tune in @ http://www.xt3radio.nl/tune-in

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More information: www.xt3radio.nl

Whole XT3 techno radio schedule:
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Juni 2009