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Events for April 16, 2038

in Party-/Eventkalender

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April 2038

Heutige Geburtstage

(56) moguai
(55) Poncho
(52) Jane Ephex
(56) Schranzmann
(56) Quincy
(56) KingBalk
(53) ~L0y4L!Ty|T3rr3Ur~
(50) DanceLikeAMashine
(55) master of puppets
(52) bk-Q1986
(53) tunnelkind
(59) NeVeN
(57) Kukelka
(53) JeZZy
(47) Lucius Wagner
(53) Schwalbi
(62) Hausmeister W
(52) miniruleZz
(50) Schranzbabe0416
(72) Caehildad
(58) Patrick_Arbez
(??) trivial
(54) smarty160484