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- USB-Partner (Interessiert?) -

02.10.24 Classix Rave @ Euro Palace, Mainz-Kastel

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    USB-Ultimate: Hat USB-Tattoo...

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FRANKY JONES [Jones & Stephenson/ Bonzai Records, Belgium]

TALLA 2XLC [Dorian Gray/ Technoclub]

DUMONDE [JamX/ Chaos Rec.]

DJ TATANA [Ch. Sirup Rec./ Street Parade]
REVIL O. [Outside World Hannover]

CHRIS NITRO [Sunshine Live]

SVEN E. [Technoclub/ Euro Palace]


Start: 21.00 Uhr


Euro Palace

Peter-Sander-Str. 39


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Bookinganfragen von Künstlern: http://www.discoschrottplatz@web.de

Discoschrottplatz Dates:

12.04.2025 Schallwurm Attack @ Radio Corax [Miss ÄhmEs]

00.04.2025 Rhythm Machine Meetz Groundzero Teknocamp # 23

24.05.2025 Radio Corax

00.06.2025 Rhythm Machine Meetz Groundzero Teknocamp # 24

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