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Paul Zentos Podcast 1110 @ Animals that live in the Arctic - Eisb

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Paul Zentos Podcast 1110 @ Animals that live in the Arctic - Eisbär ( Berlin ) 05 07 2024

solely for promotional purposes
was created. The mix promises powerful tracks with
Focus on minimal sounds and more, using
from Traktor hardware and software, including Traktor Pro 3 software,
Remix Decks, STEMS Decks, Maschine and the M32 Keyboard on the
Native Instruments flagship Traktor Kontrol S8.


Listen on Soundcloud.com

The mix covers different genres including minimal techno,
Tribal House and other inspirations.

Overall, the mix features an hour of non-stop music and
serves as a showcase for the capabilities of
Paul Zentos as producer and DJ.
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Der Eisbär, auch Polarbär genannt, ist einer der größten Bären der Welt, wobei nur der Braunbär und der Kodiakbär aus Alaska eine ähnliche Größe erreichen.

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