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Mira Calix ist tot [WARP Records]

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    acid seals below the ice

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We are devastated to learn about the death of our dear Mira Calix (Born Chantal Passamonte).
Mira was not only a hugely talented artist and composer, she was also a beautiful, caring human who touched the lives of everyone who had the honour of working with her.
Mira has been a huge part of Warp’s family and history, as one of the first female artists signed to the label and releasing six albums from 'one on one' in 2000 to 'a̶b̶s̶e̶n̶t̶ origin' in 2021.
We are so proud of her immense creative output; her artwork, videos and music were a true reflection of what an innovative, pioneering and wonderful soul she was.
She pushed the boundaries between electronic music, classical music and art in a truly unique way. She will be terribly missed by everyone at the label, staff and artists alike.






Super traurig. Die war für mich immer die weibliche Version von Autechre

Dieser Beitrag wurde von o00o bearbeitet: 28. Mär. 2022 - 18:39 Uhr

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Ich hab wirklich schon ne Menge zusammenhangslose Scheisse in meinem Leben gelesen aber das ist ein ganz neues Level.




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Krass. Und so jung.

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