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25.07.20 Rhythm Machine Meets DistractAir

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    USB-Ultimate: Hat USB-Tattoo...

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Rhythm Machine Meets DistractAir is a joint project by Jayne Tabb from England
and Kaossfreak from Germany.

Each of the two organized 4 DJs or live acts always has 60 minutes of playing time.


OLIVER ROSEMANN [Where The Buffalo Roam, Germany]
SUBTRAK [Where The Buffalo Roam, Germany]
FLEXER [Germany]
CARIZ [Electronic Routes, Germany]


Start: 16.00 - 22.00 Uhr
Link: https://mixlr.com/jayne-tabb/
Facebook: https://www.facebook...234691356580947

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Bookinganfragen von Künstlern: http://www.discoschrottplatz@web.de

Discoschrottplatz Dates:

12.04.2025 Schallwurm Attack @ Radio Corax [Miss ÄhmEs]

00.04.2025 Rhythm Machine Meetz Groundzero Teknocamp # 23

24.05.2025 Radio Corax

00.06.2025 Rhythm Machine Meetz Groundzero Teknocamp # 24



    USB-Ultimate: Hat USB-Tattoo...

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17.00 - 18.00 CARIZ
18.00 - 19.30 OLIVER ROSEMANN
19.30 - 20.30 FLEXER
20.30 - 22.00 SUBTRAK
22.00 - 23.00 BOSAZOKU

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Bookinganfragen von Künstlern: http://www.discoschrottplatz@web.de

Discoschrottplatz Dates:

12.04.2025 Schallwurm Attack @ Radio Corax [Miss ÄhmEs]

00.04.2025 Rhythm Machine Meetz Groundzero Teknocamp # 23

24.05.2025 Radio Corax

00.06.2025 Rhythm Machine Meetz Groundzero Teknocamp # 24

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