Link: 2015
1 - Dirrrty Franz Band meets Stormtrooper & Minupren - Kahlschlag
2 - BMG - Rise oft he Empire
3 - Epyleptika - Nasser Fisch
4 - Q-IC & Stephan Strube - Petrol
5 - Mario Ranieri - Do you Love me Too
6 - Stormtrooper - The Bavarian Barbarian
7 - Viper XXL - Do`s and Dont`s
8 - Holmek & Meyer Lansky - Brain Flush
9 - Meyer Lansky - Freak That Shit
10 - Pappenheimer - Muslim Rave
11 - Q-IC - Dance Mania
12 - The Belgian Stallion - Rattenschranz
13 - Minupren & Epyleptika - Halfcore (Viper XXL Remix)
14 - Q-IC - Ethanol
1 - Minupren - Hit The Switch
2 - Stephan Strube & Epyleptika - Wossi
3 - Neck - I Eat An Apple
4 - BMG - Revolt oft he Clowns
5 - Stephan Strube - We are going down
6 - Sutura - Alphawolf
7 - Chrisma - Ping Pong
8 - Hypnoise Theory - Human Extinction
9 - Killer - Wicked
10 - Psychodevils - Apocalypse Now
11 - Reload - System 69
12 - Strezzeffekt - Calabria
13 - Zak McCoy - Pussy Beat
14 - Stormtrooper - Scorched Earth
15 - Dirrrty Franz Band meets Stormtrooper & Minupren - Bis zum Mond