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[ORIONI02] Various Artists - Second Sight EP

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Available at Decks: http://www.decks.de/...nd_sight/c3t-0l

Catalogue #: ORIONI02
Artists: Espen Lauritzen // Farceb // Pulse One // Zedje
Track Titles: 1724 / Enki / Everything Transforms / Restore
Release date: September 30th, 2014
Mastered Robert Elster Mastering
Artwork: Mintaka Photo & Design
Distribution: Decks (GER)
Promotion: Labelworx


JONAS KOPP: Great EP , Espen's track is my favorite.
PFIRTER: Thanks - Best Mix: Farceb - Enki (Original Mix)
DVS1: "Farceb" Enki for me!
TOMMY 47: Thanks - Best Mix: Farceb - Enki (Original Mix)
OSCAR MULERO: Downloading your news of Orioni..., Full Support, thx!
MIKE PARKER: Thank you, Sounds are very good :)
DUSTIN ZHAN: Zedje's track is fantastic! Really looking forward to playing this one out!
SVRECA: Thanks - Best Mix: Zedje - Restore (Original Mix)
PAR GRINDVIK: lovely! good stuff on here. thanks for sending! - Espen Lauritzen - 1724 (Original Mix)
EXIUM: nice ep,support! Best Mix: Pulse One - Everything Transforms (Original Mix)
PAUL MAC: Liking Restore and Enki both have a nice retro vibe about them. - Best Mix: Farceb - Enki (Original Mix)
DJ DEEP: Nice release! - Best Mix: Espen Lauritzen - 1724 (Original Mix)
KRIZ (TOKEN RECORDS): good stuff. farceb track is my fav. sounds very mulero.
MENTAL RESONANCE: Big Ep guys ! Espen Lauritzen - 1724 is my choice , Thanks !
MATT SADERLAN: Mhhhh tubular (? Orioni FTW ! - Best Mix: Pulse One - Everything Transforms (Original Mix)
JESSE JAKOB: Excellent all around release! Will use all 4 tracks, but Espens and Zedje's tracks are my favorites. thanks!
MARCEL HEESE: this is really nice. all of it actually. thanks! Best Mix: Farceb - Enki (Original Mix)
DARREN QUAIL (ANIMAL FARM): Espen's & Farceb track for me!! Thanks

more feedbacks: http://orionirecords.blogspot.com.ar/

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  • Vorname: Mathias
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nice :D

zedje - restore und der pulse one - everything transforms gefallen mir am besten

Dieser Beitrag wurde von studdi bearbeitet: 29. Sep. 2014 - 16:16 Uhr

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