[GNOT09] - V/A - We Are Robots Ep (OUT ON DJSHOP!)
Geschrieben 12. Jul. 2010 - 08:29 Uhr

Geschrieben 12. Jul. 2010 - 10:32 Uhr

Geschrieben 12. Jul. 2010 - 16:38 Uhr


Geschrieben 13. Jul. 2010 - 07:20 Uhr

Thanks for relase with such good artists /public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif...
G-NOT /public/style_emoticons/default/respekt....
you're welcome mate !

Next one is my solo ep with your remix

Geschrieben 13. Jul. 2010 - 11:42 Uhr

Yeahh will be cool relase againThanks for relase with such good artists /public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif...
G-NOT /public/style_emoticons/default/respekt....
you're welcome mate ! /public/style_emoticons/default/d.gif...
Next one is my solo ep with your remix /public/style_emoticons/default/d.gif... yeahh

Geschrieben 16. Jul. 2010 - 01:14 Uhr

respekt an bassbottle, finde deine Entscheidung richtig, obwohl ich fast ausschließlich Vinyl kaufe, denke ich das es trotz alle dem richtig ist deine Tracks digital zu vermarkten auch wenns jetzt wahrscheinlich weniger freie downloads gibt

Geschrieben 16. Jul. 2010 - 02:19 Uhr

gute ep
respekt an bassbottle, finde deine Entscheidung richtig, obwohl ich fast ausschließlich Vinyl kaufe, denke ich das es trotz alle dem richtig ist deine Tracks digital zu vermarkten auch wenns jetzt wahrscheinlich weniger freie downloads gibt /public/style_emoticons/default/cry.gif... , schöner wäre es natürlich alle mal gewesen wenn so einige bassbottle eps auf vinyl rausgekommen wären
Ich hätte es auch schöner gefunden mein gesamtes Material nur oder auch auf Vinyl zu finden. Aber bis auf die letzten beiden 3SRecordings, hat es nicht klappen wollen.
Dieser Beitrag wurde von .::Bassbottle::. bearbeitet: 16. Jul. 2010 - 02:21 Uhr
Geschrieben 24. Jul. 2010 - 11:11 Uhr

About the digital & vinyl,,fabian is in true;;;nobody will be thanksfull to have resisted to turn into digital...i m still the only one to resist and till now it didn t bring me anything positive,,exept loosing money...
Some good digital labels like gnot and one or two others will make the difference and the others shitty label made in one hour will die by the natural selection...
The only way to keep quality is hold by the artist,,they need to sell their tracks for digital and not giving their tracks for free and beeing paid by the statements...that' the only way to keep a risk for the label owner and in the same way to have quality due to the choice he needs to do..that's my view,,
but it's not a discuss to do on this topic;;
Sam Silva web site.
[3SR001] [3SR002] [KFR002]
[3SR003] [GUILD REC : Soon 04] 3SR004: Leo Laker,Sam Silva vs Stavros,Rob stalker,XhE (26th Mai 08)
Geschrieben 30. Jul. 2010 - 23:03 Uhr

i really like the release,,the bassbottle track is well done,,,
About the digital & vinyl,,fabian is in true;;;nobody will be thanksfull to have resisted to turn into digital...i m still the only one to resist and till now it didn t bring me anything positive,,exept loosing money...
Some good digital labels like gnot and one or two others will make the difference and the others shitty label made in one hour will die by the natural selection...
The only way to keep quality is hold by the artist,,they need to sell their tracks for digital and not giving their tracks for free and beeing paid by the statements...that' the only way to keep a risk for the label owner and in the same way to have quality due to the choice he needs to do..that's my view,,
but it's not a discuss to do on this topic;;
Well, vinyl releases are similar with digital release, when it comes to earn some money with it. Which means, there is none. But we all know that. You can't earn money with it. So "loosing" money with digital releases is no difference to vinyl. In my humble opinion. Maybe the other way around, because you don't have to manufacture records.
I remember getting a very long and complicated artists contract from Highball-Music (which I had to correct with a lawyer by the way). There were so many points in it to clear all rights and the payment... but do you think they ever paid a cent? From the vinyl from 2005 and the mp3 they sell now afterwards?

But you're right. Giving away your hard work for nothing, normally shouldn't be the standard. But unfortunately it is.
Dieser Beitrag wurde von .::Bassbottle::. bearbeitet: 30. Jul. 2010 - 23:06 Uhr
Geschrieben 02. Aug. 2010 - 19:53 Uhr

i really like the release,,the bassbottle track is well done,,,
About the digital & vinyl,,fabian is in true;;;nobody will be thanksfull to have resisted to turn into digital...i m still the only one to resist and till now it didn t bring me anything positive,,exept loosing money...
Some good digital labels like gnot and one or two others will make the difference and the others shitty label made in one hour will die by the natural selection...
The only way to keep quality is hold by the artist,,they need to sell their tracks for digital and not giving their tracks for free and beeing paid by the statements...that' the only way to keep a risk for the label owner and in the same way to have quality due to the choice he needs to do..that's my view,,
but it's not a discuss to do on this topic;;
Thanks! /public/style_emoticons/default/tanzen.g...
Well, vinyl releases are similar with digital release, when it comes to earn some money with it. Which means, there is none. But we all know that. You can't earn money with it. So "loosing" money with digital releases is no difference to vinyl. In my humble opinion. Maybe the other way around, because you don't have to manufacture records.
I remember getting a very long and complicated artists contract from Highball-Music (which I had to correct with a lawyer by the way). There were so many points in it to clear all rights and the payment... but do you think they ever paid a cent? From the vinyl from 2005 and the mp3 they sell now afterwards?
Nope. /public/style_emoticons/default/weird.gi...
But you're right. Giving away your hard work for nothing, normally shouldn't be the standard. But unfortunately it is.
u re right but by loosing money i mean "loosing it by pressing record for my label" and we know all that if u succeed to sell 300 records you can be very very happy,,
You don t need money to run a digital label even if u don t sell..that's the main difference and tha'ts what i wanted to mean,,,
but we are ok,,this gnot is a good release,,,,)
Stop speaking about this here ;

Dieser Beitrag wurde von Sam Silva bearbeitet: 02. Aug. 2010 - 19:55 Uhr
Sam Silva web site.
[3SR001] [3SR002] [KFR002]
[3SR003] [GUILD REC : Soon 04] 3SR004: Leo Laker,Sam Silva vs Stavros,Rob stalker,XhE (26th Mai 08)
Geschrieben 02. Aug. 2010 - 20:14 Uhr

i really like the release,,the bassbottle track is well done,,,
About the digital & vinyl,,fabian is in true;;;nobody will be thanksfull to have resisted to turn into digital...i m still the only one to resist and till now it didn t bring me anything positive,,exept loosing money...
Some good digital labels like gnot and one or two others will make the difference and the others shitty label made in one hour will die by the natural selection...
The only way to keep quality is hold by the artist,,they need to sell their tracks for digital and not giving their tracks for free and beeing paid by the statements...that' the only way to keep a risk for the label owner and in the same way to have quality due to the choice he needs to do..that's my view,,
but it's not a discuss to do on this topic;;
Thanks! /public/style_emoticons/default/d.gif...
Well, vinyl releases are similar with digital release, when it comes to earn some money with it. Which means, there is none. But we all know that. You can't earn money with it. So "loosing" money with digital releases is no difference to vinyl. In my humble opinion. Maybe the other way around, because you don't have to manufacture records.
I remember getting a very long and complicated artists contract from Highball-Music (which I had to correct with a lawyer by the way). There were so many points in it to clear all rights and the payment... but do you think they ever paid a cent? From the vinyl from 2005 and the mp3 they sell now afterwards?
Nope. /public/style_emoticons/default/d.gif...
But you're right. Giving away your hard work for nothing, normally shouldn't be the standard. But unfortunately it is.
u re right but by loosing money i mean "loosing it by pressing record for my label" and we know all that if u succeed to sell 300 records you can be very very happy,,
You don t need money to run a digital label even if u don t sell..that's the main difference and tha'ts what i wanted to mean,,,
but we are ok,,this gnot is a good release,,,,)
Stop speaking about this here ;/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif... hehe
Ah ok. Now I got what you meant.

Yeh, enough offtopic for now, or else we start to bore the people.

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