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- USB-Partner (Interessiert?) -

please read this BEFORE you post a track !

  • Geschlossenes Thema Dieses Thema ist geschlossen
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    Heaven to Hell

  • Moderator
  • 1.068 Beiträge
  • Vorname: PETER
  • Geschlecht:M
please post only:

self created tracks or remixes without any rights of third.
dont post illegal tracks or remixes.
don´t use file slices that arent law conform.

we don´t except racial hatred. in such cases you earn a direct ban without any discussion.

use the headline for the main track information.
you can use your creativity in the track posting.

use this form: [style] artist - trackname (additional information: like remixes, reworks or bpm of a track)

please not more than 2 topics / week (only allowed in special cases like ep´s or something similar)
  • 1

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