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Eintrag: DREAM NATION - AFTER-PARTY @ Glazart - Paris - FRA

in Party-/Eventkalender
Added by The aktivists , 02. Aug. 2016

Taking place 25. Sep. 2016 (Eintägiger Eintrag)

The aktivists

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, From 7 am, go to the After Dream Nation on the Glazart beach to make the feeling of feet in the sand and head in the clouds last longer...
An experience for the insatiable: a high-profile Techno line-up, fine sand, an outdoor party, 15 hours of non-stop music and many surprises to continue the festivities under the sun.
Among others, Manu le Malin aka The Driver and Madben Hemka will create a techno atmosphere, groovy and fine-tuned, to continue the tireless spirit of Rave for an epic closure!

Dream Nation After-Party
Sunday, september 25 2016
> The Driver aka Manu Le Malin
> Madben
> Pit Spector
> Hemka
> Sinus_O
> Madlex
> Boweinn
> Trentkat
> Schmigoz
----------INFOS ------------------------
7 am - 8 pm
7-15 avenue de la Porte de la villette
75019 Paris - FRANCE
Metro : Ligne 7 : Porte de la villette

----------TICKETS ------------------------
X Presales : http://bit.ly/2asLnBL
x A the door  : 12 €
--------- MORE INFOS ------------------------
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